Lock-down Relaxation Guide for College Students

Hello there!
College students can agree that our lives are filled with arduous assignments, endless lectures and strict attendance policies. Seems now though, that all of us are suddenly presented with a long sabbatical due to the current COVID-19 lock-down. It might be difficult times but us college students can take this opportunity to kick back, relax and recharge our batteries. This is a guide on how you, as a college student should spend your quarantine time and no, don't worry, it won’t be filled with the usual "spend all day on online class and all night on online courses" humdrum.

Feeling old?

I know what you're thinking, we are at the prime of our lives, but don't you ever wonder where the past 20-24 years went? TV shows, snacks, games and friends; all these have dramatically changed in a relatively short span of time for us and there is nothing “uncool” about revisiting them. After all, these experiences helped make us who we are. I’m sure you remember that one particular show you would never miss? For me it was "Phineas and Ferb" and boy, when I decided to tune into one of the episodes yesterday, it took me back to my fourth grade days, when I would secretly take ten rupees from my mother’s purse, to buy a "Kachori" after school and finish my homework as quickly and clumsily possible, so that I could tune into the show. It is good for you to revisit the past. Old TV shows, computer games and comics, whatever it was that made you happy then will definitely bring a smile to your face now!

Netflix and Chill!

We simply don't get to watch more than one episode of our favourite web-series during college. Hectic work hours and constant assignments make this impossible but now you can make the most of this time by binge watching all the shows on Netflix to your hearts content. You can watch that movie your friend is always raving about and maybe you might start liking a new genre.

Call them.

Keeping in touch with all our friends, especially the ones from our middle and high school days might be tough. But now there is no harm in sending a message or even better, calling them. The best part is that you don't have to worry about disturbing them because they're definitely free to take your call. Physical distancing doesn't mean you have to socially cut them off. Take this time to reminisce on your cherished memories.

Eat something nice.

Often while scrolling through Instagram, we come across posts of mouth-watering food. Always wanted to try those recipes that you see on various blogs? Now is the perfect time to get cooking. Cooking has scientifically proven to be a stress buster; this will greatly help alleviating your tension. Even if you don't like cooking, order in something nice and this will also help boost the local economy. Treat yourself, there is no harm in living guilt free.

Get Physical!

"You need a world class gym for six packs." Wrong! Home workouts can take various forms, you can choose what type suits you best from a plethora of YouTube videos. You can even try your hand at Yoga or self-defense, these can be learnt and practised at home with the help of a tutorial video. This will help you burn all those calories you gained while binge eating and helps boost your morale and self-confidence. Maybe you want to go back to college a few pounds lighter to impress that special someone. Now's the perfect opportunity for you to push yourself. Of all the suggestions, I can assure you that this will give you the greatest satisfaction.


We really are living in strange and difficult times, but what matters is that we listen to the authorities and mitigate the spread. Take this time to unwind and relax so that when we eventually return to college, we are in the correct head-space to take the daunting classes head on and be be extremely efficient and productive a it. For now, stay safe and happy. Cheers!

-Thomas Maliekel


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